february 14th, 2022

i finally came home on the 11th. treatment was hard but i feel the best i've felt in a long time. i have to do virtual php from 8am-2pm starting tomorrow but i'm glad to be home. i mean not really because i hate my parents but i'm glad to have freedom lol. i miss the friends i made there though. my roomate and i got really close. she's getting out soon so hopefully we'll meet up then. i can't believe how long it took me to realize how sick i was. i spent so much time in denial that i even had an eating disorder. i'm still struggling but i'm just grateful to feel alive again. also i'm talking to this guy !!!! we've been flirting around and snapping for the past couple months i really like him ahhhhhhh. AHHHHHHHH!! god talking to men is so scary but i love the attention. ok i'm out lol bye

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