july 4th, 2022

well its been a sec. still depressed. still badly addicted to adderall. life sucks but i mean when does it not. don't know if i'm gonna go back to school in the fall or do online because i have so many missing credits from last year. they don't lie when they say junior year is the worst. it's weird knowing i'm gonna be a senior. like what the fuck? when did that happen? no way i'm 17. i feel like covid kinda stunted me mentally, like in my head i'm still a 14 year old freshman with red hair and a juul. time goes hella fast. haven't done much this summer besides hanging out with my friend from residential. oh, and i went to a smashing pumpkins concert!!! literally best concert i've ever been to. some 21 year old bought my friend and i drinks and gave us hella weed. i'd never actually smoked weed before besides carts so that was a cool experience. last week i gave a guy head for the first time. he said i was a solid 9/10 so for my first time that aint too bad lmao. what else. not much. guess thats it for now. bye

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