
about me

Full name: e

Nicknames: none

Birthplace: ghetto ass yeehaw town in ohio

Birthday: april 3, '05 (i'm 18)

Where Do You Live Now?: same city but somewhere slightly less bad

Parent(s): fuck them

Sibling(s): a little brother

Looks: 5'5 1/2, brown hair, pale, idk i look like a typical wannabe 90s kid

Favorite Animal(s): walruses!!

Favorite TV Show(s): breaking bad, bojack horseman, american horror story, shameless, oswald !!

Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: smashing pumpkins, ethel cain, nirvana, nicole dollanganger, lil peep, suicideboys, bones, tyler the creator, scruffpuppie, the 1975

Favorite Movie(s): the silence of the lambs, the perks of being a wallflower, cold fish, midsommar

School: fuck that

Future School: who knows at this point

Future Job: fbi would be cool

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: p!! ♡

Best Buds: my best friend

Favorite Candy: dark chocolate

Hobbies: sleeping, tweaking, researching true crime, painting, drawing, hanging out with friends, smoking pot

Things You Collect: mental illnesses, addictions, crystals, and walrus paraphernalia

Do You Have A Personal Phone Line: yes.?

Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex?: eyes, hands, back

Any Tattoos And Where Of What?: like 40 stick n pokes? idk i've lost count

Piercing(s) And Where?: 4 lobes in both ears, industrial piercing in right, helix in left, nostril, septum, belly button, and the girls

What Do You Sleep in?: hoodie and shorts, if it's cold then hoodie and sweatpants

Do you like Chain Letters: i don't think i've ever received one

Best Advice: spend everyday like its your last, do dumb crazy shit because you never know when you'll die

Favorite Quotes: "compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer" - rachel joy scott

Non-sport Activity You Enjoy: getting high

Dream Car: i dont give a shit about cars but i think anything matte black looks cool as fuck

Favorite Thing To Do In Spring: sleep and get high

What’s Your Bedtime: my sleep schedule's beyond fucked and is always changing

Where Do You Shop?: thrift shops, hot topic, spencers

Coke or Pepsi: dr pepper or diet coke

Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: simple cropped shirt or band tee with flannel, baggy ripped jeans, my docs, and way too many necklaces

Favorite Subject(s) In School?: i hate school

Favorite Color(s): light pink and black

Favorite People To Talk To Online: random people on tiktok

Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper? dr pepper

Do You Shave? in the summer or if i'm planning on hooking up lol

Favorite Vacation Spot(s): anywhere besides home.

Favorite Family Member(s): lol

Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid?: probably

Favorite CD you own: probably my mellon collie cd i stole from my mom from the 90s, and all the other vintage pumpkins cds of hers

The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most: myself

Favorite Food(s): raspberries and watermelon

Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World?: p!! ♡

What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing?: ranch

When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes?: buried, straight into the earth with no coffin

Do You Believe In Aliens?: yeah

If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?: serious answer, i'd love to work for the fbi. onlyfans could be fun lol

Things You Obsess Over: whether or not people secretly hate me

Favorite Day of the Week: friday

A Teacher You Hate: 9th grade english and algebra, 10th grade geometry, biology, and apush, 11th i liked all, and in 12th i loved em all besides my american lit teacher

Favorite Disney Movie: none

What Is Your Favorite Season? fall

What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza?: just cheese, sometimes olives

If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live?: anywhere but here. maybe somewhere on the west coast like san francisco. or colorado

Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: sleep, get high, hang out with friends

Favorite Thing(s) To Get Clean up: what the fuck does this mean

Favorite Magazine(s): i don't read magazines

Favorite Flower(s): sunflowers!

Favorite Number(s): 444 (liked it so much i tattooed it on my thigh lol)

Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s): cookie dough

What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to?: i don't know i don't think i have a specific type tbh

What’s Your Most Embarrassing Moment?: when i got arrested in 9th grade lol

If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be?: probably my body

Do You Eat Breakfast First Then Brush Your Teeth or Brush first ten eat breakfast?: brush after, but i usually don't eat breakfast so

Favorite Time of Day: like 1am or 4pm

Can A Guy and Girl Be Just “Best Friends?”: yeah

Do You Ask The Girl / Guy Out Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You?: i prefer being the one asked but i'll make the first move if it's taking too long

Do You Mind Paying For Sex?: idk but i've been paid for a bj lmao

What’s The Most Important thing In Someone’s Personality?: self-awareness, kindness, compassion, empathy

Do you have a pager or cell phone?: cell phone

Favorite Sport: none. i like running and have thought about doing track but my asthma thinks otherwise

What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received?: anything p has ever got me

How Long Did This Letter Take You To Finish?: no idea, it didn't take long when i first filled it out and it didn't take very long at all for me to update it just now

What Did You Listen To While Completing It?: preacher's daughter by ethel cain

Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)?: i don't know if i'd want to be married that soon, but probably at some point

Don’t u just hate how psychics never win the lottery?: i really don't care

